

STEVE LEE shirt Hallenstadion

Artikelnr: SL-003

Official STEVE LEE shirt ONE LIFE ONE SOUL Hallenstadion

The net profit will go to Steve's legacy /Steve's family, and they will use a part of it, for donations to support associations with humanitarian goals.

Picture by Paul Nielsen / Design by Dario Jelusić

All rights reserved © Comunione Ereditaria fu Stefan A. Lee
It is prohibited to copy, use or produce any material which has the image, logo, signature or anything related to Steve Lee without the written permission of Flavio Hochstrasser, legal caretaker of Steve Lee,  through the Comunione Ereditaria fu Stefan A. Lee






  • Unisex SMALL
  • Unisex MEDIUM
  • Unisex LARGE
  • Unisex XL
  • Unisex XXL
  • Unisex XXXL (+ €5,00)
  • Unisex XXXXL (+ €5,00)
  • Ladies SMALL
  • Ladies MEDIUM
  • Ladies LARGE
  • Ladies XL
  • Ladies XXL
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